Alleviates any form of depressed or generally deteriorated nervous system, as well as a weakened circulatory system associated with the extended usage of caffeine; amplifies the discharge of toxic caffeine residues from the nervous system, and enhances general tissue regeneration; provides greater dominance to the sympathetic nervous system while atrophying some of the capabilities in the para-sympathetic nervous system, thereby allowing for the expansion of activities in the left-hand portion of the brain.



Aids in the assimilation of essential nutrients, such as calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, and vitamins A and B-Complex.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; removes any imbalances in the mental or emotional bodies caused by residues of caffeine in the physical body, and aligns the astral, mental and etheric bodies in order to enhance the discharge of toxicity; repairs the leakage effect upon the etheric body associated with the ingestion of caffeine, which leads to emotional instability; strengthens the etheric body and all the meridians, and eases all the miasms; elevates the caffeine residues in the physical body to a higher level of vibration, thereby energizing the etheric body, the nadis, the entire meridian system, and the nervous and circulatory systems so that they will become more receptive to the healing benefits of vibrational medicine.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought-processes; addresses any obsessive-compulsive behavior in the personality structure, thereby releasing an individual from the compulsive need to repeat mistakes or re-create certain regressive patterns; assists an individual in the removal of any stored tension in the stomach or solar plexus regions, and develops more emotional balance and serenity; removes the symptoms associated with caffeine addiction, including stress, anxiety, and feelings of being unable to cope with life; releases any blockages in the personality structure associated with addictive behavioral patterns, and alleviates any depressive withdrawal symptoms by mitigating the intense cravings; eliminates any tendency toward negativity, and releases all forms of sadness or insecurity issues; actualizes clearer insight into the underlying cause and nature of one's emotional problems, and allows an individual to confront any emotional issues that stem from their early childhood (such as fear, painful memories or sadness); integrates the many diverse aspects of the personality structure, and creates a more positive emotional outlook on life; eliminates any form of irritability or fluctuating mental or emotional mood-swings associated with the excessive consumption of caffeine, and eases any deep-seated trauma caused by caffeine residues in the body; eases any addictive habit-patterns associated with imbalances to the natural energy of the etheric body, and removes any feelings of self-effacement or low self-esteem; eases any inner confusion or turmoil by promoting more conscious alignment with one's creative Self, and generates a sense of physical and emotional relaxation by activating certain natural morphines in the body; enhances the effectiveness of the conscious mind to fully extend itself and actually control or direct all bodily responses, especially those associated with addictive substances.



Assists an individual in breaking free of any overly repetitive or habitual patterns that retard the soul's full development, and allows an individual to break through any deeply resistant karmic patterns; energizes one's cognitive capabilities so that an individual is able to more completely comprehend the essential nature of their experiences in order to learn the appropriate lessons; removes any psychic or astral debris that has become lodged in the subconscious mind, as well as any accumulations of psychic tension or toxicity that are stored in the stomach region; cleanses the psyche, and balances one's psychic awareness; enhances the more fundamental soul essence of serenity and equanimity by harmonizing one's inner solar forces, thereby providing greater emotional peace and stability; enables the Self to affirm its own capability for recovery and restoration by enhancing its ability to contact its own deep wellsprings of life and healing potential; provides a deeper understanding and penetration of the extra-dimensional aspects of one's Self, as well as a deeper sense of wellness and wholeness; eases any distorted sense of one's Self by providing a more balanced sense of individuality; creates a sense of nurturing in order to counteract any lack of love or nurturance during one's childhood, and broadens an individual's love energies by focusing and concentrating energy directly into the heart chakra; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, and harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to more fully integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in the body.

