various intestinal disorders, including amoebic dysentery or
severe diarrhea; relieves any form of acute bowel pain, and eases
any spasmodic or cramping disorders; destroys harmful bacteria,
and expels toxicity from the entire organism; cleanses the
intestinal tract by flushing any invading toxins from the
intestines, and cleanses the entire system of parasites
(particularly those that are embedded in the skin, muscular
tissues and gastro-intestinal tract); stimulates the natural
flora in the intestinal tract, and releases any toxicity from the
cellular level; eases those conditions in which there is an
over-stimulation of the intestinal walls or a constant emptying
of the bowels, and acts as a natural antibiotic in order to seek
out and destroy specific infections or infectious diseases; eases
any general inflammation, and strengthens the liver; purifies and
invigorates the blood, especially the red corpuscles on the
cellular level; relieves any poor immune response with a tendency
toward parasitic infection while easing any repression of the
immune system response or other energetic processes that allow
for any replication of an invading organism, and cleanses the
blood of toxins that directly result from an emotional release;
increases the production of saliva in the mouth, which relates to
its etheric ability to stimulate more wanting or desiring.
Aids in the absorption or assimilation of various essential
nutrients by moving them through the excretory system more
quickly, and enhances one's ability to alter their body chemistry
and to better assist in fat absorption.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
strengthens and regulates the energy-flows of the etheric body,
and enhances its connection with the physical body; strengthens
the etheric body, and amplifies the ethereal fluidium; cleanses
the astral body, and expands the emotional body in order to
provide greater understanding of one's emotions; crystallizes
greater objectivity in the mental and emotional bodies, and draws
the astral body into greater harmony with the physical and
etheric bodies and the spiritual ego; aligns the etheric and
emotional bodies with the physical body in order to enhance the
detoxification process, and balances the upper and lower poles in
the body while stimulating or energizing the aura; activates the
heart chakra, and energizes the 2nd and 3rd chakras; cleanses all
the nadis, and activates the minor chakra that is located in the
liver; balances and energizes the entire meridian system,
particularly the liver, bladder and stomach meridians;
strengthens, regulates and tonifies all the meridians, and
cleanses the liver and kidney meridians; assists the odic
(pranic) force to flow more smoothly throughout the entire
meridian system, and eases all the miasms (especially the
radiation, petrochemical and psora miasms).
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eliminates any anger,
fear, paranoia or other hidden insecurities; removes any negative
thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and creates a
better understanding of the necessity for working with the
essential energies behind negative thought-forms; increases an
individual's comprehension of negative thought-forms by
perceiving their purpose, thereby altering one's vibration in
order to overcome or transcend them; protects against any extreme
emotionalism or emotional distress and various other negative
influences, and stabilizes one's emotions; releases any mental or
emotional tensions that are stored in the nervous system or the
subconscious mind, as well as any tensions residing in the
physical body; eases any form of hopelessness or various forms of
obsession, as well as any fears that manifest when confronting
emotional issues; reduces an individual's feelings of
vulnerability to their environment, as well as to the thoughts or
negative intentions of others; activates greater enthusiasm and a
sense of urgency while allowing for deeper states of emotional
release to occur, and stimulates the formation of positive
emotions on the etheric level; integrates the various influences
of the mental body evenly throughout the nervous system, thereby
allowing the conscious mind to exert greater control over the
normal reflexive activities of the body.
Alleviates any overall lack of understanding towards one's true
purpose in life, or any difficulty in comprehending the nature of
one's interpersonal relationships with others; increases an
individual's overall understanding or realization of their own
personal energy-patterns, especially in terms of being a greater
manifestation of the God-presence that exists within one's own
being; increases one's overall self-acceptance and
self-confidence, while enhancing greater joyfulness, flexibility,
and the ability to work more effectively with others; promotes
more clearsightedness and a deeper understanding of the spiritual
purpose of groups or individuals, and allows one's inner
attitudes to become more clarified while enhancing deeper states
of oneness; promotes more compassionate awareness and inner
radiance, and creates a better alignment with one's spiritual
purpose; develops greater courage to speak up about various
concerns, and eases various forms of psychic toxicity; addresses
many forms of nervous fear, due to the overly intense activity of
various elemental beings in the astral body; restores a sense of
wholeness or unitive consciousness, which imparts greater
strength and active resistance towards any lower elemental or
astral entities; balances and stabilizes the abundant light that
emanates throughout the upper energy centers (chakras) by
directing it into the lower centers so that the Self emanates
more vitality and solidity, and allows any compassionate healing
qualities to flow freely from one's soul to others; protects and
unifies the essential Self, and allows the soul to become more
refined, sensitive and absorbent.