Brief History of Herbal Therapeutics; Definition and Classifications of Herbal Therapeutics (Empirical, Rational, Special or Specific, Natural, Dynamic, Mediate and Suggestive); Natural Therapeutic Approach and the Healing Crisis (or Cleansing Reaction); Principles of Herbal Therapeutics (Temperament of Organ, Herbal Ranges of Action, Quantity of Remedy Administered, Location of Organ, Position of Organ in Relation to Others, and Degree of Organ Sensitivity); Comparison of General Therapeutics and Methods of Cure (Antipathic, Homeopathic, Allopathic or Heteropathic, Brunonian Theory, Doctrine of Contra-Stimulus, and the Chrono-Thermal System of Medicine).
Abdominal Disorders (Aneurysm, Bloating, Cramping, Distension, Fullness, General Physical Diagnosis, Pain, Plethora, Tenderness, and Wounds or Injuries); Abdominalgia (Abdominal Pain); Abortion; Abrasions (Cuts and Scratches); Abscesses or Impostumes (Alveolar or Parulis, Ischiorectal, Paronychia or Whitlow, Psoas and Retropharyngeal); Aches or Dull Throbbing Sensations (Caused by Cold or Heat, of the Heels or Muscles); Achylia (Absence of Hydrochloric Acid); Acidity; Acidosis (Excessive Acidity and Acid Flux); Acne Rosacea and Acne Vulgaris (Blackheads or Fleshworms (Comedo), Pimples, Papules or Pustules, and Whiteheads).
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.); Addictions (Chemicals, Drugs and Food); Adenoids (Enlargement, Infection, Internal Nasal Clusters (Polyps), Swelling and Vegetations); Addison's Disease (Suprarenal or Adrenal Disease, Cortical Hypofunction); Agrenal Gland Disorders (Adrenitis, Elevated Aldosterone Levels, and Cushing's Syndrome); Aging and Senility (Age Spots).
Alcoholism (Alcohol and Health, Acute and Chronic Stages, Delirium Tremens, Hangovers and Drunkenness); Alimentary Canal (Atonic, Irritated and Weakened); Alkalosis, Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerances (Allergens, Allergic Reactions, Allergic Rhinitis and Anaphylaxis); Alvine Canal (Sluggish); Alzheimer's Disease; Amenorrhea (Primary and Secondary).
Anal Disorders (Burning, Fissures, Fistulas, Itching (Pruritis), Painful, Proctitis, Prolapsus, Protrusion, Rectitis, Soreness, Spasms and Ulcers); Anemia (Aplastic, Cerebral, Hypochromic, Nutritional, Pernicious and Sickle-Cell); Aneurysm (Abdominal and Thoracic); Angina Pectoris (Arrhythmia, Cardiac Pain, Stenocardia and Tachycardia); Ankle Disorders (Sprained, Swollen and Weakened); Anorexia Nervosa (Emaciation); Aphasia or Aphonia.
Apoplexy (Brain or Cerebral Hemorrhage, Apoplectic Fits); Appendicitis (Acute and Chronic); Appetite (Increase or Decrease); Arterial Disorders (Arteritis, Atheroma, Embolism, Endarteritis, Articular Rheumatism, Elasticity, Injuries, Rupture, Swelling, Tension and Vertebral Arteries); Arteriosclerosis (Hardening of the Arteries, Arterio-Capillary Fibrosis); Atherosclerosis (Excessive Cholesterol Formation, Plaquing of the Arteries).
Arthritis (Acute, Chronic, Rheumatoid, Bursitis, Osteoarthritis, Uric Acid Accumulations and Deposits, Neuropathic (Charcot's Disease), Uricacidemia and Joint Pains); Ascites (Dropsy of the Abdominal or Peritoneal Cavity); Asthma (Acute or Chronic, Bronchial, Cardial, Spasmodic and Asthmatic Asphyxia).
Astigmatism (Myopic); Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis); Auto-Immune System Disorders; Back Problems (Acute Back Strain, Injuries, Low Back Pain and Weakness); Backache (Lumbago); Baldness (Alopecia Areata, Acomia and Calvites); Bedsores; Bedwetting (Enuresis and Nocturnal Incontinence); Bile Disorders (Increase or Decrease Flow, Catarrh and Chronic Sluggishness, Obstruction or Suppression of the Biliary Ducts, Biliary Pain or Calculi, Bile Duct Ascariasis, Suppuration of the Biliary Ducts, Bile Salts in the Blood (Cholemia), Morbid Secretions and Hepatic Derangements); Bilious Conditions (Biliousness, Bilious Colic or Fever, Bilious Headache, Congestion of the Liver, and Sluggish or Torpid Liver); Birth Control.
Bites or Stings (Bees, Wasps, Gnats, Fleas, Mosquitos, Bedbugs, Lice, Scabies, Spiders, Chiggers, Ticks, Reptiles and Snakes); Black Eye; Bladder Disorders (Aching, Bleeding, Catarrh, Calculi or Stones, Control, Gravel, Hemorrhage, Injuries, Chronic or Morbid Irritability, Atonic Infections, Obstructions, Mucus Discharge, Atony and Paralysis, Pain, Pus, Relaxed, Spasms, Uric Acid Deposits, Ulcerations, Stricture and Weakened); Blood Disorders (Arterial Circulatory Insufficiency, Angitis, Blood Diseases, Cleansing and Purification, Blood Examination and Constituents, Enlarged Blood Vessels, Dyscrasia, Low Blood Sugar, Blood Blisters, Hematuria, Hyperemia, Lithemia, Pyemia and Sepsis or Blood Poisoning (Septicemia), Raynaud's Disease, Stagnation, Thickened or Coagulated, and Toxicity); Blood Pressure (High and Low).
Boils (Inflamed Pimples, Furuncles or Furunculosis and Gumboils); Bone Disorders (Aching, Brittle, Broken, Dislocation, Enlargement, Cancer, Atrophy (Decay), Calcification, Deficiency, Growths, Nodes, Injuries, Pain, Tumors, Weakness, Marrow (Increase or Strengthen), Softness, Ossification, Acromegalia, Acute Osteomyelitis, Necrosis, Osteomalacia, Paget's Disease, Osteitis, Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Periostitis and Dorsal Tabes); Bowel Disorders (Cramps and Pain, Functional Dyspepsia, Nervous Indigestion, Hemorrhage, Impaction, Looseness, Inflammation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Obstructions (Intussusception), Cleansing, Hypotonic, Paralysis, Prolapsus Ani, and Spastic or Irritable Colon); Brain Disorders (Abscess, Atrophy and Hypertrophy, Cerebral Anemia, Concussion, Cerebral Congestion, Circulation, Cerebellum Diseases, Equilibrium, Cranial Nerves, Fever (Cerebral Macula), Encephalitis and Cerebritis, Encephalocele, Phrenitis, Irritation, Cerebral and Nervous Excitement or Tension, and Ramollissent (Softening of the Brain).
Breast Disorders (Abscess, Agalactia, Atrophy or Underdeveloped, Bleeding, Cracked, Retracted or Sore Nipples, Congestion, Cysts or Fibroademomas (Lumps), Insufficient Lactation, Sensitive, Hardened or Swollen, Sore or Caked, Mastitis (Acute or Chronic Inflammation), Mastodynia, Painful, and Scirrhus); Bronchial Disorders (Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Bronchorrhea, Catarrh, Constriction, Infection, Neuritis, Pain, Excessive Secretion, Spasms, Tumors, Ulceration and Weakness); Bronchitis (Acute and Chronic, Bronchial Catarrh, Capillary (Broncho-Pneumonia), and Fibrinous); Bruises (Ecchymoses, Discoloration, Contusions and Black Eye); Buboes; Bunions; Bursitis (Acute and Chronic); Burns and Scalds (Minor and Serious, Gunpowder and Chemical Burns, Sunburn, X-rays and Radiation).
Cancer and Tumorous Growths (Benign and Malignant, Cachexia, Carcinomas and Sarcomas, Fibroadenomas, Epitheliomas, Malignant Neoplasm, Fibrocystic Disease, Ulcerated Conditions, Tumor Inhibitors from Plants, Strengthening the Immune System, Prevention Versus Treatment, Adjunctive Therapies, and Alternative or Natural Therapies); Treating Cancer in Specific Areas of the Body (Breasts, Brain, Bowels, Colon, Lip, Lungs, Pancreas, Prostate, Rectum, Stomach, Throat, Thyroid, Tongue, Uterus, Womb, etc.).